Wow, I think we're finally done with all the blizzards, personal emergencies...
Monsters created by mad scientists, black plagues, Megasharks, Jason Voohi...
Yeah, the plural of Voorhees. Multiple Jason's.
Kym:...strange fiance's aside, we're ready to finally get back to the movies!

The Adjustment Bureau
Well, it's obvious that they weren't trying to sell us with the title alone. What's that you say? The title of your movie is 'The Adjustment Bureau'? I'm going in expecting John Woo gunfights from start to finish.
The real selling point is the movie's main star, Matt Damon, who gives us a really fantastic performance, with great chemistry between him and the lead actress, Emily Blunt.
They also throw in some more ballet dancing, and I have to admit, after Black Swan, that makes me a little nervous. Tread carefully, Matt. Tread carefully.
If you've seen the trailers, then you know the basic plot. There is an Adjustment Bureau, a group of mysterious men wearing hats (mostly fedoras) which have magical powers, who may be aliens or angels, who knows? And they try to interfere with our main two character's, keeping them apart. It's a very romantic movie.
Of course, one of the problems I found was that the trailers didn't advertise it as a 'romantic' movie. They advertised it as a similar movie to Inception, and that's like saying 'Duck Tales' is similar to 'Raiders of the Lost Ark'. It's technically true, but they're not anywhere near the same league.
Yeah, The Adjustment Bureau is mainly a romance, with some Sci-fi/Fantasy elements thrown in.
The 'action' in this movie is a single punch, a man being restrained, and a lot of running. That's it, folks. No ever present evil entity, just a creepy voyeuristic angel that watches you while you and your lover sleep.
*Shudder* It's a fine romantic movie, with many funny elements, but I don't think the movie would have been nearly as good without Matt Damon and Emily Blunt adding their great performances.
Yeah, the plot was just too silly and unbelievable otherwise. The silliness of an organization that is nearly all knowing and all powerful, that still can't effectively keep two people apart is silly enough, but there are two main plot holes revolving around Damon Wayans...
Matt Damon
That's who I meant. What'd I say?
Damon Wayans.
Well, he also brought a lot to the film by not being in it.
*Giggles* Just go on, dear.
Alright so 'MATT DAMON!' can't find the girl because all he knows is her first name and her appearance, after two casual meetings, the second on a bus. First of all, you know where she got off the bus! I'm sure someone around that area knows her, or you could stake out that area to try and find her. How often do you go someplace once, but never again, even if you live in New York City?!
And the second loop hole?
His character's a celebrity! Can't he go on youtube and just send out a message to find her? Sure, it'd seem silly, but if he really cares about her, why not? The media will be all over it.
Yeah, he didn't exactly seem to try that hard to find her. He didn't even try looking her up on Facebook...
THREE! Three ways he could have found this woman. If she texts, she must be using Facebook and Twitter. Come on, Matt, give us some more effort.
Or hire a private detective to do it for you.
Anyway, these problems and the general hokiness aside, The Adjustment Bureau was a fun romantic thriller, with strong performances from the cast, and an interesting concept to boot.
Regardless, a lot of the film really hinges on Matt Damon's performance, so if you're not a Matt Damon fan, you won't like this. Kym and I both like him though...
Kym: *Dreamy sigh*
ONE of us perhaps a bit more than the other though...and for different reasons.
Are you insinuating something, dear?
Just your Matt Damon crush. Any way I can compete?
You could try wearing a hat...
All I have is the one from Disney World, that looks like Donald Duck's rear end. Could I get a cool fedora instead? Like in the movie?
If you can find one large enough to fit your enormous head.
Well, you know what they say about guys with big hats...
Let's stop there!
Rob's Rating (school style): B
Kym's Rating (buy/rent/ignore): buy if you're a Matt Damon fan, otherwise rent