Instead of movies this week, we've decided to focus on DVD shopping for the holidays, which can often be a bit tricky.
Luckily, this season has a lot of great options, with plenty of movies that everyone loves!
Indeed! For example....

These weren't the movies...which coincidentally are two of your all time favorites...I was exactly thinking of.
You're right. Any self respecting movie lover already has both.
*SIGH* Let's just leave it at that, and move on.

It may seem like an odd place to start, since there are much bigger naem movies out there, like Harry Potter 7 part 2, Pirates 4, the Marvel movies and such, but those movies don't usually make very good presents, as most people already have them.
Super 8, however, was a little more below the radar, but still a great movie. Not only did it have great special effects, but the plot was good too.
It's sort of like Godzilla (2001) only with a soul. I especially loved the kid's dialog, which is some of the most authentic I've ever heard. It's a movie about 12 year olds who act like 12 year olds all in the middle of an alien attack.
It's a very good film, overall, and a fine movie to pick up for a family member or friend. Of course, if you're looking for something specifically for women....

A moment of silence, for the two hours of my life I'll never get back.
Now now, it was quite a good movie overall, although it might not have struck as much a chord with guy viewers. It's a touching, well acted, and interesting movie that looks at some of the seedier elements of the circus industry.
I think Carnivale did a better job at that. Still, the ending was solid, and the film has more than enough charm to keep it going. It's a nice idea for the woman in your life. For the guys....

Now here's a DVD set that I can enjoy too! The History channel did a great job with this series, and there's just something about war that guys always seem to love.
The recent 'Gettysburg' History Channel special was also fantastic, as is Band of Brothers and The Pacific. With guys, war DVDs are usually a pretty safe bet.

For the family members who enjoy classics, it's hard to go wrong with this definitive edition of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Now that's the uber awesome origion version, albeit with creepy little people painted orange, not the somewhat awesome remake, with lower overall quality, but thankfully normal oompa loompas.
I absolutely love all the extra goodies in this set. Perfect for any lover of the original film! Wait...now that I think of it, is there anyone who didn't like this movie?
Tim Burton, apparently.

For kids, it's hard to go wrong with Disney DVDs, and they've got a lot of great kids movies out, some for the first time on Blu Ray: Cars 2, Lion King, Winnie the Pooh, Captain America...
That's ri...wait, Captain America?
It might not be first and foremost a kids movie, but for young boys, it's definitely the superhero of choice this year, judging by all the Captain America costumes this past Halloween.
Ah, the pure unbridled joy of flinging a giant patriotic frisbee at your siblings.
Speaking of 'for the first time on Blu Ray', there are a lot of great movies out there that most people have on DVD, but may not have on Blu Ray, and the holidays are as good a time as any to get some.
Some good examples include many great 'geek' movies: Star Wars, Jurassic Park, and Lord of the Rings. Any card carrying nerd would love to receive any of these on DVDs.
You have your nerd card on you, love?
Yup, my Wizards of the Coast DCI card, all glossy and everything.
Why am I even surprised.

Our final category are movies that while definitely good as a holiday gift, don't necessarily need to be on Blu Ray.
For the frugal shoppers and unapologetic cheapskates, a normal DVD is not only a fine choice, but in the case of many movies, it's a better idea.
I really liked Horrible Bosses, but there's no reason to get it on Blu Ray unless you're a big Jennifer Aniston fan. Me, I'm more of an Emma Stone fan.
Not to mention a somewhat unhealthy interest in Helen Mirren and Shelley Duvall.
Regardless of that fact, I can't think of any movie the three of them have done that I would really need on Blu Ray. The same goes for most TV series as well. I mean, how clear a picture do you need for the latest season of Grey's Anatomy?
There are also some 'acceptable sequels' that are worth getting, if only for completion's sake, but Fastfive, Scream 4, and Kung Fu Panda 2 don't necessarily need the Blu Ray treatment.
Although I'll probably splurge to give Emma Stone the Blu Ray treatment.
Ditto for Thor. Happy shopping everyone!
Harry Potter 7 pt 2
Willy Wonka
Jurassic Park
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Cars 2
Lion King
Captain America
Hot Fuzz
Other movies only Rob likes
Most History Channel specials
Super 8
Water for Elephants
Winnie the Pooh
Horrible Bosses